Superviral is a breakthrough software that instantly creates a viral video website that produces multiple streams of income and collects easy affiliate commissions using other people’s content. The built-in syndication tool gets your site ranked on Google to kick-starts your viral traffic.
Superviral is a breakthrough software that instantly creates a viral video website that produces multiple streams of income and collects easy affiliate commissions using other people’s content. The built-in syndication tool gets your site ranked on Google to kick-starts your viral traffic.
SuperViral generates a platform to host viral videos that people are already watching and sharing, and get views on your website. So, you don’t need to create any content, create videos, get hosting or domains to have your own viral video website. And the best part, you don’t need to worry about traffic.
When you get SuperViral, you combine the power of viral videos and automatic traffic to get you results that you have never seen before. Viral videos already generate millions of views by themselves. The added automatic traffic is set to blow your mind with its potential.
You can Create a SuperViral Video Site in 3 Clicks:
STEP 1: Choose Your Niche Keyword
Enter a keyword in any niche and SuperViral will find thousands of viral videos for you to use on your website, then build your site for you while you sit back and watch.
STEP 2: Banner and affiliate details
Drop in your details so that you can start getting paid immediately from eBay, Clickbank, Amazon and Viral Banner ads.
STEP 3: Ignite The Traffic
Use the built-in syndication tool to get your site in front of people fast, get ranked in Google and kickstart your viral traffic tonight.
(Click the Play Button below to start the Video)
Features of the SuperViral and How They Benefit the Users are as Follows:
- Builds Your Viral Site in Minutes
SuperViral is a 100% cloud-based tool that allows you to build your own viral video sites in a few clicks. Each site looks professional, with mobile friendly layouts, advertising slots and engaging designs.
- Works for Any Niche
Enter a keyword and SuperViral will automatically find and add viral videos related to your chosen keyword across multiple video networks. You can even filter your search by number of likes, comments and shares.
- Traffic Syndication
Kickstart your viral traffic with our built-in traffic syndication tool inside your dashboard. Get your new site on 3 major networks, boosting your SEO rankings and bringing you free traffic directly from other people’s websites. Watch your site go viral as people share the link to your website and videos with their friends.
- Multiple Income Streams.
SuperViral hooks up your Amazon, Clickbank and eBay affiliate counts in a couple of simple clicks, so you can start earning commissions and ad revenue from day one.
- Powerful RSS feeds.
Built in RSS feeds allow you to add instant articles to your site, totally hands-free. Makes your site appear like an authority site. Makes it easier to discover in Google. Gives your visitors more content they crave.
- Ready-made Banner Ads.
These professional banners can be used to run killer paid ad campaigns for a rapid boost in traffic and commissions.
- Fully Cloud-based Nothing to Install.
SuperViral creates and hosts websites for you, so there’s no need for software, plugins, hosting, domain names, WordPress or anything like that. It couldn’t be easier.
- Facebook Retargeting.
Just enter your Facebook retargeting code into the dashboard and SuperViral will allow you to retarget your visitors on Facebook instantly, bringing you red hot traffic back to your site, over and over again.
- Best Videos From the Best Platforms.
Our powerful RSS technology pulls in videos from the biggest video sites that you can legally use on your site for massive viral traffic and easy affiliate commissions.
- Filter to Discover TRENDING Viral Videos You Can Use.
Choose to add videos based on how many Likes, Dislikes or Comment count they have. Perfect for finding videos that are controversial, engaging or simply awesome… and will help you bring in massive traffic fast.
- Smart List Builder
Integrated email capture forms connect to any autoresponder you want to use, so you can build a list of targeted subscribers to sell stuff to for years to come.
Here is How You Can Setup Your Site:
- Head over to your Facebook feed and share a link to one of the videos from your new site.
- People visit your site and watch the video.
- They see another video they like, then another.
- They click on an advert or affiliate link that’s offering what they want & you get paid.
It’s that simple. With just one website, the potential is awesome. Now you can, because SuperViral allows you to create up to 5 viral video websites in minutes.
So, what’s the wait?
Go here and get SuperViral NOW and get started with your very own ‘Viral Video Website’ and drive automatic traffic to itself.
Believe me, you don’t want to miss out on this powerhouse.
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